Airing from 1999-2004, ANGEL was a spin-off television show from Joss Whedon's BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER television show. Angel is an Irish vampire over 200 years old known as Angelus during his rampages across Europe. Angel's human soul was restored to him by gypsies as punishment for murder of one of the gypsy clan. The restored soul torments him with guilt and remorse, and he battles not only his own demons but demonic forces on Earth in attempts to 'help the helpless.' Angel first appeared as a short-lived, love interest of Buffy in her television show before his own spin-off show. Over his vampiric lifetime, Angel transforms from an evil vampire into a hero of mankind. His adventures continued in canonical comic book story extensions from Dark Horse after the television shows ended. Angel also has a comic book series in the New Buffyverse from Boom! Studios.