AMERICAN VAMPIRE is a long-running series of comic book series from writer Scott Snyder and artist Rafael Albuquerque begun in 2010 under DC's Vertigo imprint. The series' spin on the vampire genre is that vampires have had different sub-species--some secret--on an evolutionary path and in conflict with one another throughout the ages. The notorious late 19th century American West outlaw Skinner Sweet woke from death--after being infected--as a new kind of vampire with increased strength and speed and immunity to sunlight--but with other weaknesses. Sweet's daughter Pearl Jones becomes the second American Vampire when Sweet gives her a blood transfusion to save her. The original ongoing series ran for 34 issues followed by mini-series, one-shots, and maxi-series--including spin-offs by other artists and anthologies by other writers set in the American Vampire world. Horror writer Stephen King contributed an original story in the very first arc of the first series.