More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd. Dredd is confronted with a dimensional incursion in the all-new crossover story 'This Corrosion' by Michael Carroll and John Higgins, where the lawman meets the terrifying Razorjack; Cursed Earth Koburn battles mutants on every side in the finale to 'The Law of the Cursed Earth' by Rory McConville and Carlos Ezquerra; the lawman makes a last-ditch attempt to stop the Dark Judges in the climax to DREDD movie sequel 'The Dead World' by Arthur Wyatt, Alex De Campi and Henry Flint; the demon claims more souls in 'The Returners' by Si Spencer and Nicolo Assirelli; and Chopper must fight to save his Aboriginal friends from mutant raiders in 'Wandering Soul' by David Baillie and Brendan McCarthy. Plus, in the bagged supplement this month, Dredd has his hands full keeping Gramercy Heights under control in 'Block Judge' by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.