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‘First Impressions’ Category

First Impression: SUPERGIRL: REBIRTH #1 and SUPERWOMAN #1

by Glenn Snow | June 9th, 2016
Supergirl Rebirth #1 Comic Cover

DC Universe continues its Rebirth this month with a handful of #1’s offered in the Previews catalog. The SUPERGIRL: REBIRTH #1 description mentions the DEO, so it looks to be borrowing from the popular TV series incarnation. SUPERWOMAN #1 reveals a Lois Lane with the powers of Superman. This kind of gender role reversal is proving popular, so something tells me this trend of giving the female lead the male superhero’s powers won’t stop until they’ve all been done.

First Impression: ALL-STAR BATMAN #1

by Glenn Snow | June 8th, 2016
All Star Batman #1 Comic Cover

Scott Snyder’s New 52 Batman from 2011 is some of the best Batman in existence. So, his ALL-STAR BATMAN #1 is a solid recommendation. The Court of Owls and their tie to Gotham’s and the Wayne’s past was riveting. This time around, Snyder looks to be exploring Batman’s rogues gallery. ALL-STAR BATMAN #1 is offered in this month’s Previews catalog.

First Impression: DARTH VADER #24-25

by Glenn Snow | June 7th, 2016
Darth Vader Comic Cover

I’m saddened to see the Darth Vader series ending with DARTH VADER #24 and #25, both offered in this month’s Marvel Previews catalog. I expect the finale will be spectacular, as this series has been top-notch, exploring how Vader regained the Emperor’s trust after the destruction of the first Death Star. If only he had recovered those stolen battlestation plans before they got into the Alliance’s hands. Now that he knows his position is precarious, I can only hope there will be more of Vader’s own secret machinations in Marvel’s future.


by Glenn Snow | June 6th, 2016
Battle Star Galactica #1

   At the top of my most highly anticipated list from this month’s Previews catalog is BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (CLASSIC) #1 from Dynamite. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2004 reimagined TV series, but the 1978 series was a cornerstone of sci-fi in my childhood. Set back in this original continuity, my only worry is this relaunch may go too far ‘beyond the limits of known reality and into cosmic mystery.’