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‘Star Wars’ Category

Things from Journey to the Force Awakens: Shattered Empire You Didn’t Know You Needed To Know

by Glenn Snow | August 15th, 2016

Warning…This article contains spoilers for the comic book series, Journey to The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire. There were two characters at the Battle of Endor, in Return of The Jedi (ROTJ), who you didn’t meet. You have recently met their grown son, however: Poe Dameron. Sergeant Kes Dameron was a demolitions expert in Han’s Endor strike team, The Pathfinders; Lieutenant Shara Bey was an A-wing pilot, call sign Green Four, who nearly destroyed Luke’s shuttle as it abandoned the second Death Star, instead escorting it down to the moon. Published in the months leading up to The Force Awakens (TFA) December 2015 release, Journey to The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire is a 4-issue mini-series (shop) from Marvel Comics that serves […]

First Impression: DARTH VADER #24-25

by Glenn Snow | June 7th, 2016
Darth Vader Comic Cover

I’m saddened to see the Darth Vader series ending with DARTH VADER #24 and #25, both offered in this month’s Marvel Previews catalog. I expect the finale will be spectacular, as this series has been top-notch, exploring how Vader regained the Emperor’s trust after the destruction of the first Death Star. If only he had recovered those stolen battlestation plans before they got into the Alliance’s hands. Now that he knows his position is precarious, I can only hope there will be more of Vader’s own secret machinations in Marvel’s future.