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First Impression: OCCUPY AVENGERS #1

by Glenn Snow | September 23rd, 2016

sep160932-now-occupy-avengers-1Hawkeye has somewhat departed from the traditional superhero sphere in the modern Marvel Universe. Matt Fraction’s 2012 series, HAWKEYE [2012], was truly great mostly because it focused on what Clint did when he wasn’t an Avenger. The 2015 relaunch, ALL-NEW HAWKEYE [2015], tried to reproduce the magic with an exploration of his childhood. By apparently aligning itself with the Occupy Movement, I’m not sure where this series is going, so I’m skeptical.

“Super heroes–they’re a privileged class. Doing what they want, when they want and suffering no consequences. They have no regard for the ordinary people who are left behind to suffer in their wake. Who will stand up for the little guy? There is a man. If you can find him, and if he believes in your story, he and his friends will put things right. Some call them outlaws, rebels, Robin Hoods. To others, they are heroes. No powers to speak of–just skills, smarts and a burning drive to do the right thing. His name is Hawkeye. Occupy Avengers: It’s time to ‘Take Back Justice’!”