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First Impression: STAR WARS: LOST STARS [2018-DIG] VOL 01

by Glenn Snow | March 15th, 2018

First Impression: STAR WARS: LOST STARS [2018-DIG] VOL 01This is one of my favorite novels of the New Canon. Very excited to see it translated in this highly suitable format!

“The Empire can be seductive, particularly if you’re an aspiring young pilot…Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree both know this very well when they enroll in Imperial Academy, eager to pursue their dreams. When Thane discovers the darker side of the Empire, though, and defects to the Rebellion, the pair’s lifelong friendship will be put to the ultimate test.Will Thane and Ciena’s relationship — or even they themselves — survive this galactic conflict…?”

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Related shopping tags: STAR WARS, STAR WARS (NEW CANON) (2014)